Buying Cheap Savannah Kittens?
Buying cheap savannah kittens? So, I have heard several times in the past month that so and so has savannah kittens cheaper than mine. I usually say, well you get what you pay for. By all means go ahead and buy it if the price is that important to you.
However, a few things to remember when getting your “cheap” savannah kitten. Most of the breeders I deal with have been doing this for years. They know what their cats produce, they know their savannah cats lines. Here are a few things to remember…
While buying a savannah kitten from someone who says I am a small cattery and raise kittens underfoot is a good thing, ask how small are you exactly. That comment makes us all feel warm and fuzzy inside, but at the same time savannah kittens are just like humans, we have no way of knowing what genetics will do. The kitten can be fine in 2 months but what happens if something goes wrong in 4? Is that breeder at least large enough to replace the kitten? Does it have 2 sets of bloodlines in case you don’t want to risk the same lines again? This may seem like a crazy thing, but it’s a question that needs to be asked.
I will talk about 2 stories in the past 8 months I have personally dealt with.
1st Situation:
A heart broken woman calls me and says she purchased a kitten who got off the plane with a fever. She took it to the vet right away and the vet did all they could for the kitten. He only lived for a month. She got it “cheaper” because he didn’t work out with a previous family. Hum, kind of makes you wonder why he didn’t work out. Maybe because he was SICK! Breeder went right ahead and sold the kitten again to an unsuspecting person. Breeder says “oh I will replace it” but she only had 1 female that could produce that generation and it wouldn’t be until next year. Really? Seriously?
The Issue I have with only having 1 Female Savannah Cat
Another question you should be asking is about the pedigree.
Is this a savannah to savannah breeding? Are both your cats savannahs? That’s a simple question and easy to ask. Many times when you find those cheap savannah kittens they will be 1 savannah and 1 (could be anything) Also, make sure the breeder is trying to better the breed or at least keep it as closely to the serval as possible. I like all the colors, but personally I run when I see a marbled savannah queen being bred. There are so many nice spotted savannahs, I see no reason to breed marble colored queens. We may all get marbled babies and that’s understandable, but let them go as pets. Again, my personal opinion.
When buying cheap Savannah Kittens
Bottom line is, yes you can get cheap Savannah kittens. We are well aware of that fact, but as I said in a previous post I live for my kittens. Many times I take the kittens feelings and needs into consideration before my own. I am not in it for the $$ My cats and kittens eat only the best of foods. I spend all day everyday with them. There are constant things being done for my animals. When I get extra money I don’t buy a new big screen TV, I buy cat trees, cat toys and always rotating my kittens fun things in life.
I do not toss many cats into 1 enclosure. Each cat has their own enclosure. I do not believe in small wire cages. Each cat has their own full size cat tree, feeding dishes and litter box. They get to play with each other and have fun but at the same time they can relax in their own enclosure with no one bothering them.
To all my families who stay with me and understand there is so much more to tossing a male and female together and calling themselves a breeder, I thank you. To the people who look for “cheaper” I wish you well. Chances are things may work out for you, but things may not either. Just get to know your breeder, ask questions and above all make sure you don’t fall for any of the many scams out there.
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